What are the metrics that CoachUp uses to determine Coach Tiers?

 Coach Tiers 
Tier Points Earned
Screen_Shot_2017-09-20_at_7.07.07_PM.png 20
Screen_Shot_2017-09-20_at_7.07.42_PM.png 14-19
Screen_Shot_2017-09-20_at_7.07.27_PM.png 5-13


Review Rating Average - This metric averages the star ratings you've received from your athletes. Example: If you have received three 5-star reviews and one 4-star reviews then you would have a 4.75 Review Rating Average. 

Review Rating Average Points Earned
Greater than or equal to 4.5 4
Greater than or equal to 4 3
Greater than or equal to 3 2
Less than 3 1


Responsiveness Score - This metric looks at how quickly you respond to new athletes who send you a direct message. It is equal to your Fast Response Rate (the % of time you responded to new athletes within 48 hours over the past 3 months) minus your Average Response Time (the average amount of time it has taken you - in hours - to respond to new athletes over the past 3 months). Example: If you have a Fast Response Rate of 100% and an Average Response Time of 8 hours then your Responsiveness Score is 92. 

Responsiveness Score Points Earned
Greater than or equal to 90 4
Greater than or equal to 80 3
Greater than or equal to 70 2
Less than 70 1


Lifetime Conversion Rate - This metric looks how many clients have paid to work with you versus the number of clients that have reached out to you through CoachUp. Example: if 10 athletes have sent a message to you since you've been on CoachUp and 5 have booked at least one package with you then you would have a 50% All-Time Conversion Rate.

Lifetime Conversion Rate Points Earned
Greater than or equal to 33% 4
Greater than or equal to 25% 3
Greater than 0% 2
0% 1


Client Loyalty Rate - This metric looks at the clients that you have worked with in the past year's time to see how many have completed at least 4 sessions with you. Example: if you have worked with 20 athletes in the last year and, of those 20 athletes, 12 have completed at least 4 sessions with you since you began working together then you would have a 60% Client Loyalty Rate.

Client Loyalty Rate Points Earned
Greater than or equal to 33% 4
Greater than or equal to 25% 3
Greater than 0% 2
0% 1


Recent Session Count - This is the number of sessions that you have completed within the past 60 days. 

Recent Session Count Points Earned
10 or more 4
5-9 3
1-4 2
0 1
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