CoachUp Pro - Building your website

As you explore your CoachUp Pro website, you will likely think of some creative ways to add content to your site that is unique to you. There are two main ways to add content and organize that content on your site. These layout features are known as components and pages



Think of a component as a new section on a page of your website. As visitors explore your site and scroll through the content, they will scroll downwards on the same page from one component to another. You can display many components on the same page without navigating away from that page.




Think of pages as entirely new sections of your website. These require an addition on your url. An example of this is how each Coach Profile is a page on CoachUp. Each coach has a unique addition to that takes a potential client to an entirely new page. You can build out as many pages on your site as you would like. Just be sure to make the navigation between pages easy and consistent. Popular pages are "About me", "Pricing Information" ,"My training Style", "Home", "My Facility" and many others.



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