How do I set my training locations?

CoachUp will use your Training Locations or Travel Distance (if you’re flexible on where you train) to power our search results:

If you have specific facilities at which you typically train:
  • You can add those facilities and we’ll display the facility information and locations on your profile (alongside a nice map).
  • We’ll send you clients who can travel to your facilities to train.
  • To add locations, visit the “Profile” tab of your dashboard and scroll down to the “Training Locations” section. Choose your facility location from the auto-suggestion list that appears when you begin typing. Once your location is selected, click the blue “Add Location” button.


If you’re flexible on location or available to travel for training:
  • You can set a “From Location” and a travel radius (5 to 50 miles).
  • We’ll send clients your way who are available to train within your travel range.
  • Set this up from the “Profile” tab of your dashboard by selecting “Yes” under “Can you travel to sessions?” Then, add your “From Location” and the distance you’re willing to travel from that location. Click the "Update Location" button.

Now if someone does a search for the Boston area, you will be displayed in those search results and then if they did a search in the Cambridge area you would also show up in those results. This means if you’re a coach that coaches in two far apart locations, our search results will soon be able to accommodate your unique situation.

Added a location? Here’s what’s next…

When you schedule a session (from the “Sessions” tab in your dashboard or mobile app), you’ll have the option to select one of the locations you’ve added. CoachUp will send a calendar reminder to both you and the client that specifies the location you’ve selected.

Need to edit or remove a location?

You can edit or remove a location at any time. Just visit the “Profile” tab in your dashboard and click “Remove” next to any of your saved locations.

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