For every inquiry you receive, keep in mind that there is an individual behind the message who is looking to you to help them reach Another Level.
In your CoachUp account you can visit your Inbox to view any incoming messages from potential clients. There are two types of messages you may receive: direct messages and general requests.
Direct Messages
Direct messaging is the most common form of communication between you and your clients. The client’s message is automatically sent to your CoachUp Inbox and your email address; you can reply to the message from either. The quicker you reply to your clients, the more likely they’ll be to book sessions with you.
CoachUp requires coaches to reply to their clients within 48 hours, or their fast response rate will be docked, so try to aim for a 100% fast response rate. Also, if you do not respond within 48 hours, you will receive a warning and your profile will drop in the search results.
General Requests
Rather than a client directly reaching out to you for your coaching services, a client may opt to submit a general request in search of a coach in their area. The general request is sent to multiple coaches in the area at the same time. We recommend replying to these general requests as quickly as possible to increase your chances of booking the client.
Messaging Multiple Clients at Once: