I would like a refund or account credit for my unused training sessions

If you would like to transfer the credit from unused sessions with your current coach over to use with a new coach, you can initiate a Transfer Request. 

To initiate a Transfer Request:

  • Sign into to your CoachUp account and go to the Coaches tab in your account
  • Locate the coach that you would like to transfer your sessions from
  • Click the Transfer sessions to another coach link next to the number of remaining sessions with that coach



Clicking on the Transfer session to another coach link will bring you to the Transfer Sessions Form. Complete the form to initiate the transfer. We'll be able to follow up with you via email in the next day or so with your credit.

If you want to use your credit with a different coach but have not already identified the coach that you would like to transfer to, we recommend initiating a Coaching Request to easily alert the coaches in the area that you are looking to connect with a coach. Be sure to provide details on what you're looking for, your availability, and where you're located.

Once you're ready to use your credit and book a new package, you can apply your credit code at checkout.

Please note: The Transfer Sessions Form is not currently available on our mobile apps. To transfer sessions please sign in to CoachUp on a mobile or desktop browser.


If you are not interested in working with a CoachUp Coach at this time, you can request a refund for sessions that you have paid for, but have not yet completed.

When requesting a refund, please note CoachUp's refund policy:

If you need to stop or pause training for any reason, sessions are eligible for a refund within 90 days of the date of purchase. After 90 days, all remaining sessions are only available for CoachUp credit. Unused credit expires one year from the date of purchase.

To initiate a Refund:

  • Visit the Contact Us page
  • In your message to us, please include the reason for your refund request and any additional pertinent information
  • We will be back in touch with you within 2 business days to assist with your refund


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